They are absolutely stunning, and are incredible to play. There is really something magical bout how your relationship to the instruments, and your love and passion for them, comes through so clearly, which is so inspiring to experience as the player. It feels like what you do is not only build a beautiful instrument, but you create a structural environment within which the purest and most radiant sound can exist to its fullest potential. Congratulations man. Can't wait to play more of your instruments!
Julian Lage
julianlage.com...how impressed I am with what you do. You are making beautiful guitars.
Bob Benedetto
benedettoguitars.comAnyone can learn to make the right cuts to make a piece of wood into something more or less right, but few of them learn to do them in a way that's beautiful, too.
Michael Darnton
darntonviolins.comThe guitar is simply the best-made instrument that I've ever played. It is lightweight, perfectly balanced, has an enormous tone and an acoustic quality that I have yet to hear from another guitar in any price range. At first I was a bit tentative to give up my trusty Tele and PRS, but after playing Dan's guitar for 5 minutes, I knew that I had made the right choice. Not only am I a big fan of Dan's guitars, but I have recommended them to many of my friends who have bought archtops, solid bodies and classical guitars from Dan, all of whom love his instruments and swear by his craftsmanship.
Matt Warnock
mattwarnock.comI can't think of any praise for a musical instrument that says more than 'I can't wait to wake up in the morning to play it and it keeps me up way past my bedtime at night. The guitar Dan made for me does just that. The sound is even and balanced throughout - each note, each combination of notes - and it's clear, warm, transparent and above all, magical! I love it and I think it loves me back.
Roddy Ellias
roddyellias.comDan makes unbelievable instruments. They are the best that I have ever played in my 40 years. Tone, clarity and evenness throughout the neck. They are also a great value. I am proud and happy to be a multiple owner.
Anthony Richards
tonyrichardsguitar.comMy guitar is the best investment I've ever made. It is not only the most beautiful guitar I've ever heard, it is also stunningly beautiful for the eyes, as well. Dan and I actually built the guitar together – this is the way he works – I was involved in every step of the process. The guitar is EXACTLY what I wanted. If you were to divide the time and quality of pleasure gained from owning a handmade guitar of this quality you'd realize how incredibly inexpensive it actually is.
Kevin Mahoney
My Dan Koentopp Archtop is the guitar I have waited all of my guitar playing life for. Besides the high standards of craftsmanship and its exquisite tone, I have rarely played a guitar so well fitted to my hands. Dan approached his instrument making with an incredible degree of integrity. I have never seen a luthier make archtops, classicals, solid bodies, and violins all with the same high level of quality. Dan has found the balance of being able to provide the player with exactly what he or she wants, while maintaining his artistic vision.
Thomas Clippert
I have used Dan's guitar in a variety of situations and it always performs stunningly! The acoustic sound is rich and full, and when amplified the tone is superb. The feel of the instrument is amazing, light and smooth. The craftsmanship is excellent all around, with attention to detail that only the finest guitar makers have. Whenever I play with my Koentopp the first question audience members and fellow guitarists ask me is, 'Wow, what kind of guitar is that?' Thanks Dan!
Andy Brown
andybrownguitar.comI’ve been playing my Custom Koentopp Hollowbody-tele exclusively since I got it last September. All my other electrics have stayed tucked away in their cases. Also, I hardly bring my pedalboard out to gigs anymore. This guitar has so many different timbres yet to be discovered and is a beautiful work of art in and of itself.
Tyler Ross
tylerrossmusic.comIt’s all very personal and Danny nailed it for me. I asked him for an organic look with no fingerboard blocks, no fancy binding, and in general no bling. I wanted it to shout out its purpose when I opened the case, encouraging me to pick it up and engage with it. He took that simple idea and created a guitar that I swear is living and breathing. It’s clearly an instrument that was made by hand, not a machine, and I love that look. I could not be more pleased. Altogether – playability, sound, vibe – all I want to do is play. Even practice is fun.
Jim Swor
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